What new rituals did Safed Kabbalah create?
There were many new rituals created thanks to the Safed Kabbalah. I was quite surprised to see such a vast amount of rituals, including many which are extremely well known today. It turns out that many of these new rituals were not fully created by the Safed Kabbalah; many of these rituals had earlier roots but weren’t put into play until Safed Kabbalah. What started out, as theoretical practices became well known rituals. The major ritual created was tikkunum. Some aspects of tikkunum include night vigils for Shavuot, Passover and Hoshana Rabah. Also the daily night, which is tikkun hazot. The purpose of this ritual is to mourn the exile of Shekhinah and pray for redemption of Shekhinah and Israel. Safed Kabbalah also brought the Yom Kippur ritual of fasting into effect. Some common rituals from my own life were put into practice as well, such as saying the “shema” before bed as well as the “mode ani” when waking up. We also kiss the mezuzah when we see one on the door before leaving or entering the house. Overall, Safed Kabbalah brought many practices into place. This article was extremely informative in proving that as well as making me more aware on the topic.
What was the life story of Shabbetai Zevi? How did he come to believe that he was the messiah? What were his relations with Nathan of Gaza? How did Jews receive his announcement that he was the messiah?
Shabbetai Zevi was born in 1626 in Smyrna. His father was a successful broker for English merchants, so he lived a well off childhood. By the age of eighteen years old, Zevi was made a rabbi. He was known as very charming and having a great singing voice as well. Zevi was a follower of the Lurianic School from early on. Zevi faced many life conflicts and temptations such as sexual temptations, which led him to break many Jewish laws. After breaking many Jewish laws, Zevi went to Nathan of Gaza in hope’s that he could repent his sins as well as be cured of them and the types of thoughts he was having. Nathan of Gaza was actually the one to tell Zevi as well as announce to a group that Zevi was the messiah. Many did not actually agree at first with the idea of Zevi being messiah but soon after he gained followers and/or supporters.
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