Thursday, September 26, 2013

Questions 1 and 6 for Sept 25

1.When does the modern period in Jewish history begin? What is modernity?

The modern Jewish history begins with the “onset of modernity”. Basically what modernity means is, the conscious recognition that the present is unique, original, and meaningfully different from earlier eras in time. Modernity consisted of the rise of cultural and intellectual change in economic, political, and social environments. Some products of the change include enlightenment, the rise of modern science, and the emergence to political and economic power of the middle classes.

6. Some Jews, among both the lower classes and the wealthy, converted to Christianity – why did they do this?

It is very sad to see that a lot of Jews were converting over to Christianity, but it seemed like a necessity at the time. There were many reasons as to why Jews, in the lower and wealthy class, began converting to Christianity. The European economic environment shifted many of the jobs Jews were accustomed to having, and they were no longer available. This is mostly due to the anti-semetic laws. This caused some poor Jews to convert in order to find work and raise their position in social class. Within the family, some fathers didn’t want their children growing up to live the miserable lifestyle they lived. They felt that converting could lead to  successful and happy lives instead of following the rigid structures of Judaism.

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