Reform: You have discarded Psalm
145, Morning Benedictions, and deleted text such as: “To God who rested,” “God
the Lord,” “True and firm” and “There is none to be compared to Thee.” You also
have removed lines that reference returning to the Holy Land once the Messiah
comes. Do you believe that you have not angered God? Do you believe you are not
going to Hell because of this blasphemy? Why do you think it is acceptable to
edit and change the teachings of Moses which are the word of God?
Anti-reform: Why is it reinforced
so greatly that musicians cannot play on the Sabbath and make music to
accompany the Prayer? Music is the one thing that connects all life together.
If God did not want us to have music He would not have created it for us. Why
not praise His word with that which He has given to us? Music is the greatest
form of prayer and should be allowed on every day of the week, even during
Excellent questions - A.