Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Questions For Debate #2

von Dohm: You argue in favor of giving equal rights and opportunity to the Jewish community, to treat them as any other religion, but then you say, "I do not wish to see the Jews encouraged to become owners of big estates or tenants...but peasants working their own land." Why do you say this? How is this not contradictory to giving them the right to build large estates from their newly given equal opportunity to the job market? If some Jews happen to become wealthy from equal opportunity, and they will, how will you respond? You say they should have equal rights; you like the theoretical idea of it, but you do not really wish to see it in practice. You later state that "...The Jew...must be able to rise to promotion, honor, and rewards by developing his talents." I guess this does not include the comfortable estates and wealth that their "equal" Christian brethren have.
Quotes from the document, "Concerning the Amelioration of the Civil Status of the Jews" by von Dohm.

Michaelis: You say that, " the Jews are twenty-five times as harmful or more than the other inhabitants of Germany" on the basis that Jews make up 1/25th of the population. You agree with Dohm that the conditions that the Jews live in caused this deceitfulness and harm to the society. Who was it that put down the rules that forced the Jews into this condition and continue to uphold these values? Was it not the Christians that frustrated the entire Jewish population to thieves and liars? Was it not the Christians that socially destroyed an entire 1/25th of the population of Germany? Is it not the Christians that are the most destructive inhabitants of Germany?
Quotes from the document, "Arguments Against Dohm" by Michaelis.

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