Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Questions for 10/9 - Ilana Wolf

1. The Alliance Israelite Universelle was created in 1960, in response to the Damascus Blood Libel. The mission of the Alliance Israelite Universelle was to morally educate the Jews, as well as teach in areas such as vocation and linguistics. The teachers were to promote qualities, such as love of all men, love and respect for parents, honesty and loyalty. The Alliance Israelite Universelle wanted to help the communities in North Africa and the Middle East by using western civilization ideas. Another goal was to teach the children the basics in order for them to be successful, rather than then trying to live off a job such as peddling. Additionally, the Alliance’s goal was to help the communities prosper through teaching Western ideas and getting rid of thoughts that have prevented them from growing. The Alliance stressed the importance of being an honorable person and citizen. They also wanted the students to still acknowledge the ancient traditions while living in the modern world.

3. Rabbi Uziel shows his support for women’s suffrage in his “Responsum on Women’s Suffrage.” He questions why women are expected to follow the orders of the representatives and abide by the communal and national laws when they are not permitted to vote on the representatives. Rabbi Uziel says, “And how is it possible to grasp the rope at both ends: to impose upon them the disciplinary obligation [required by] the national representatives and deny them the right to elect them?” (Mendes-Flohr, 473) He believes that women should have a say in who is elected and thinks that women are just as qualified as men to choose the leaders. Rabbi Uziel does not clearly state whether women should have the right to be a representative, but it seems as Uziel believes it is ok for women to be elected. 

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