Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blog posts for 11/18

 Hitler took control of Germany and stripped it of its democratic system to that he was the sole leader, and he had the control. The Nazi's use of propaganda is studied by marketing students because their message was so effective. Their propaganda was everywhere and it was relentless. Hitler had to use the Jews as a scapegoat for many of the problems in Germany, but he had to do it slowly and systematically. It wasn't like over night everyone believed the Jews were sub-human, it all had to start with blaming them for something small. And once the idea that the Jews were responsible for something small, it wouldn't surprise the public they were behind something a little bigger, and then something a little bigger than that, and so on until finally the public is at the point of full anti-semitic emotions toward the Jews. 

When Hitler is talking about emotional anti-Semitism he is talking about all things that relate to emotions. Jews control the media so they are bad, Jews are bankers so they are greedy, etc. are all forms of emotional anti-semitism, they draw a negative emotional response from the Germans. Racial anti-semitism refers to the Jews not even being people. Hitler installed this idea in the German people that Jews were less than them, merely animals. This idea of being superior to them is racial anti-semitism.

1 comment:

  1. Second answer - emotional antisemitism consists of attacks on Jews that are motivated by emotion and therefore episodic, such as pogroms. Rational antisemitism was implemented by rational planning how to persecute Jews.
    Grade: B


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