Thursday, November 14, 2013

Nov 15th Blog Post

7. Q: What were the recommendations of the Peel Commission?
    A: Due to the 1936-1939 Arab Revolt, the Peel Commission made recommendations in regards to the Arabs and Jewish states. If the recommendations became a reality, the Jewish state would be comprised of the Galilee and the coastal plain in the Mediterranean. The Arab state, would the Negev, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. The British would control both Jerusalem and Jaffa, as well as the land in between them. Despite not being satisfied by the proposed size of their state, the Jews accepted the plan. The Arabs, however, rejected it.  

Question: Did the British not take the Arabs reaction to Jewish immigration seriously when Jews started to immigrate in 1914?

Mendes Flohr White Paper of 1939
In my opinion, the purpose White Paper of 1939 was to save face due to the unclear and overly general wording of the Balfour Declaration. Due to three years of the Arab Revolt, the British government had to provide a direct estimation of Jews that would be allowed to immigrate to Palestine over the course of five years. With the Jews thinking that Palestine would solely be their homeland and the Arabs fearful of the Jews becoming the majority, Britain’s government declared that no more land transactions could take place. Now aware of how both sides feel about Jews making Palestine their homeland, the British government concluded that they couldn’t make one side happy without enraging the other. 

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