Textbook 1) Hitler viewed the Jews as less than human. Many of
his anti-Semitic speeches focused heavily on dehumanized Jews by referring to
them using strong derogatory names. He considered them to be unnatural and
wouldn’t even compare them to animals because he thought them to be even lower
than that. He saw that Jews were involved in every aspect of human culture and
blamed any sort of problem he saw on them, claiming that the Jews must have
caused it. He thought the Jews were attempting to take over the world because
they lived all over the globe. He focused on “seeking vengeance for Germany’s
defeat in WWI” and being that he blamed the Jews for the defeat, he made them a
central target for the revenge.
Primary sources pg. 742-4:
Hitler predicted that it would be the end of the Jewish race
in Europe, most likely driven by his hand. He claimed before he rose to power
that he would “solve the Jewish problem” and it seems that once he rose to
power he set out to do just that using another war outbreak as an excuse. He
believed that if war broke out again that no nation would be willing to support
and protect the Jews and this would ultimately lead to their extermination.
And he also blamed the Jews - in advance - for the outbreak of the Second World War, even though he himself was planning to start it.