Monday, November 18, 2013

Steven Gilburne - November 18th - Blog Questions

1. Once the Nazis gained power in Germany in 1933, how did they move against the Jews?

First, Hitler was appointed as the chancellor which made him the most powerful person in the German Government. He ended German democracy as his initial move so he was able to do whatever he liked. He implemented his storm troopers to terrorize the people as well. The Nazi’s soon after began to implement their ideology that Nazi’s are the superior race. The Nuremberg laws in 1933 made the Jews second class citizens which was another affect of the move against the Jews. They could not go to movies, schools, and other things that non Jews were allowed to do. 

2. What does Hitler mean by the distinction between “emotional antisemitism” and “racial antisemitism”?

By Emotional Antisemitism, Hitler is talking about how Jews are seen as less than the average citizen, and how they were “bad” and everything that came with a Jew was “bad”, Making it an emotional issue. By Racial Antisemitism, Hitler is talking about how he views the Jew’s as an alien race. That they are actually a different people, not antisemitism through the German filtered lens that makes Jews seem like bad people (emotional antisemitism).

1 comment:

  1. The Nuremberg laws were passed in 1935, not 1933.

    Grade: B


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