Thursday, November 7, 2013

Nov. 8 Answers

1) The Jews were blamed by the majorly anti-Semitic population of Eastern Europe for assisting the enemy. They were treated brutally by their fellow Eastern Europeans even though 1.5 million served in the armed forces for their homeland. Many were subject to mass rape, theft, forced labor and destruction of their homes. WWI practically destroyed all Jews and Jewish structures in Eastern Europe.

2) It was a demanded count by German anti-Semitists to find out if German Jews were dodging the military draft of 1916. It was called for because victory of the war for Germany was not proving to be as easy as they had originally thought and needed to blame someone. The results discovered by the Prussian War Ministry were never published. It showed that German non-Jews had not really accepted Jews into the German culture like they had claimed. It strengthened Zionism among German Jews. It only frustrated the Jews that were already serving in absurd numbers on the front lines.


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