Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Questions for 11/6

2. Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC) and Hebrew Union College (HUC) were created in response for the need of strong leadership in forming “American Judaism.” UAHC was led by Isaac Mayer Wise and the goal of the organization was to create schools that would teach in “the higher branches of Hebrew literatures and Jewish Theology.” UAHC also wanted to treat the Jewish immigrants equally and help them succeed as first constitution stated to, “provide means for the relief of Jews from political oppression and unjust discrimination and for rendering them aid for their intellectual elevations.” This organization was beneficial for the German Jews who came to America because they wanted a new opportunity. The ones who were successful helped fund other institutions in places such as New York, Chicago and St. Louis.
               Additionally, Hebrew Union College, founded in 1875, was established as a place for Reform Rabbi’s to their receive training. Wise was the President of HUC until he died in 1900.

Question: How successful were these organizations at truly helping others and training Rabbis?

2.Jews mainly did garment work in New York City. About half of the workers in clothing trades were Jews and about 40 percent of Jews made leather goods.  Their working conditions were awful, as several of them worked in their crowded apartments that were located on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The apartments were unsanitary and there tended to be an abundance of dirt and disease. It became so crowded that by 1910, 540,000 Jews lived in one and a half square miles. The Jews had to work very long hours. Sometimes they would work a minimum of 66 to 72 hours a week. Their housing conditions were not any better. The Jews had to live in spaces that were very overcrowded and had cockroaches, poor lighting and poor plumbing. It also got extremely hot in the summer. Jews provided assistance when they could. For example, Lillian Wald established the Henry Street Settlement that provided nursing, social, educational, banking and cultural facilities.

Question: What was the personal views of those living during the time period? Did they know how bad it was? 

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